How Much Will It Cost You To Own A Dog Or Cat?

Have you ever wondered how much your dog or cat costs you over a certain time period? There is a new Yahoo News story that says it costs more than you think.

According to the article, a dog or cat could cost you over $13,000. How did they come up with that number? On average, they spent $176 a month on toys, supplies including food and fees which involve vets and adoption fees. Since the life expectancy of a four-legged friend is around 10 years, multiply $176 and 120. That is how the final figure came about.

Also according to the survey, many people will call the vet if their pet is acting funny. A few less will actually make an appointment for that same problem. One big reason for the drop in making the appointment is the cost to take the pet to the vet.

And over half of the people polled said they did not want a pet a first, but were glad when they brought them home. Hopefully you will make the plunge to bring home a dog or cat soon.


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